I have been making flower jewellery. Just finished a lovely pendant. I finished the ring with the ray's tooth - very different! No sightings of the snake.
Had a family crisis when my brother in law Richard II (my Richard is Richard I and my nieces soon to be husband is Richard III) was rushed into hospital for emergency surgery as his aortic aneurism was leaking. There was a 50/50 chance of him making it through and he did thank God! We were all saying our prayers! He is back home now and convalescing.
The wedding fayre in Winchester was very quiet. The first one I have ever done. About 5 minutes after it opened two lovely Russian ladies came in and bought 4 items of my jewellery. I was very pleased but unfortunately I didn't sell anything else. The two ladies were staying at the hotel and just happened to pop in! I am worried now about the wedding fayre I have booked for October which has cost a small fortune.
Last Sunday I did a craft fair in Hamble. Again that was very quiet but a lovely lady bought a pendant - the one with the brass and copper discs - so again I was lucky.
The next craft fair is next Sunday in Otterborne the village next to Hursley. I will let you know how that one goes. I have hardly a free weekend left this year now.
So lovely to see the sun - holiday in 3 weeks - hurray!