Great weather! Went to a dog show on Primrose Hill with Richard and Sophie and Megan (S&M). S&M entered the obstacle course and did really well with a little help from us holding treats. Megan won the recall test at 3 seconds. Unfortunately Megan wouldn't stop barking during the training class and had to be ejected a couple of times.
Yesterday we all went to Denham in Buckinghamshire. Lovely village - lots of great pubs for Sunday lunch. We went to the Green Man and sat in the garden. Megan had her bark collar on so she was fairly quiet. We then took them for a walk near the golf course where there is a lovely stream for them to play in. Very shallow for little dogs so they don't have to go out of their depth, which, like their mother, they don't like.
During all this I also managed to make half a necklace and a pair of earrings. See above photo of the earrings. Still working on the necklace! I ought to go and do that now I think.
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