Back again! What a day I've had. I decided to make a ring from sterling silver 2.5mm wire, solder it together (scary) and then solder an art clay (fine silver) flower or similar to it. I made a flower and circle and couple of small ovals, stuck some zirconas into them and left them in the airing cupboard to dry out. Then I started on the ring. I found I could cut the wire with my shears to avoid sawing it. It was already annealed so I could avoid heating and pickling it. All going well. Then I found that having made it into a ring shape it was too big so I would have to saw some off. I had to fix the bench peg into the anvil and fix them to my desk. It seemed very secure. I attached a saw blade to my saw and, resting on the bench peg, attempted to saw the metal. Suddenly the anvil flew off the desk and landed with a thud on my left knee - arggghhhhh. The pain was horrendous.
This afternoon I took the dogs to the park with my camera and took some great shots - see attached. When we got back I shut the bedroom doors as their feet were covered in ice, water and pink grit. I decided to shower Sophie's legs to remove the lumps of ice from her fur and when I came out of the bathroom I found that Megan had come in and decided to dance all over the bedclothes that were fresh on yesterday. Bit like the advert but no quite that bad. Life can be so cruel sometimes - damned dog!
Did a couple of craft shows. Wells was a bit of a disaster - not well advertised, not well attended and I only sold some rings and earrings. Not worth the £116 paid for the stand. Everyone left early. Then I did the village hall Xmas fayre where Richard played Father Christmas and my sister Gill helped me. Not bad, but not as good as last year.
Not sure if I mentioned my silver jewellery making class at the London Jewellery School in Hatton Garden. Had a great time - loved making the ring and pendant - in fact haven't taken the ring off since I made it!!! Richard has bought me all the equipment I need to get started as my Christmas pressie. Round in a full circle back to the anvil on my knee. If I ever get the ring made I will put a picture on this blog!!!
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